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MP3Christian (Price, Frank)

bibleteaching.co.uk › Recordings · Location: Catford Lectures 1991-92; Year: 1991.

~1 min.What comes first - faith or new birth? (Christian Briem)

biblecentre.org · Christian Briem. "The wind blows where it will" (Jn. 3:8). These words of the Lord Jesus (verse 8) indicate the greatness of the mystery of new ...

~2 min.The Name of Jesus (Christian Treasury)

towardthemark.org · It is truly edifying to trace through the New Testament the varied virtues of the name of Jesus. We shall just refer to a few passages. There is salvation in the ...

Position:Toward the Mark #86

~2 min.I Knew Her When She Was Only Sick, My Greatest Regret (Anonymous Young Christian)

towardthemark.org · It was raining outside. When I entered the room and tried to wipe my feet on the foot mat they sunk down, the mat was soaked. Someone must have left it outside or ...

Position:Toward the Mark #28

MP3Open Ministry - The Prayer of Jabez (Rosenthal, Christian)

bibleteaching.co.uk › Recordings · Year: 2023.

MP3Lecture 03 - The Crowned One (Rosenthal, Christian)

bibleteaching.co.uk › Recordings · Year: 2019.

MP3Introductory Lecture Hebrews - The Grace of God (Rosenthal, Christian)

bibleteaching.co.uk › Recordings · Year: 2024.

~3 min.What is a Christian - Part 6 (Larry Clamp)

patternsoftruth.org · ... and rulers of that land. In like manner, when taking on the name of Christian, the believer confesses himself to belong to his Lord and Savior and declares ...

Keywords:Christian; Christian name; Title of Christian

~1 min.Christian contentment (I.F.)

juengerschaft.org · Christian contentment is expressed in the words of the apostle, "I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." He had within him a ...

Scripture:Philippians 4:12-13; Proverbs 14:14 Phil. 4:12-13; Prov. 14:14

Keywords:Dependence; Humility; Mind; Power; Jesus Christ