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~1 min.What comes first - faith or new birth? (Christian Briem)

biblecentre.org · Christian Briem. "The wind blows where it will" (Jn. 3:8). These words of the Lord Jesus (verse 8) indicate the greatness of the mystery of new ...

~7 min.The "Our Father" (Christien Briem)

towardthemark.org · The Lord�s Prayer, as it is often called, the so-called "Our Father," nowadays plays an important role in Christendom. It is prayed on every occasion (e.g., in ...

Position:Toward the Mark #47

~1 min.Recommended literature and resources, to be ordered from the publishers

... in tongues. G. F. Rendal: I speak in tongues more than you all. C. Briem: Dromen en openbaringen (vraag en antwoord). J.A. Monard: Bidden tot de Heilige ...