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2. Corinthians 2 (Synopsis) (J. N. Darby)


Scripture:2. Corinthians 2 2. Cor. 2

The Numerical Bible (Volume 6: Acts to Corinthians) (F. W. Grant)

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Position:The Numerical Bible (Volume 6: Acts to Corinthians) Page 538

Scripture:2. Corinthians 1; 2. Corinthians 2 2. Cor. 1; 2. Cor. 2

~3 min.Some Important Scriptural Principles

biblecentre.org · ... decision is desirable, but not absolutely necessary (see Ezra 10:15-17; 2. Cor. 2:6). A decision made by an assembly should be recognised as ...

~7 min.The Old Paths (Jean Muller)

biblecentre.org · ... The assembly is not infallible and a decision, even taken "of many" (2. Cor. 2:6), may be wrong. He who believes he is wrongly treated should commit ...

Synopsis - Daniel (Darby, John Nelson)


~8 min.Chapter 9

... - "the many." The same form of phrase is found in Greek. 2. Cor. 2:6; 9:2. ** We may observe that the Lord only speaks expressly of the last ...

~47 min.Jonah (William Wooldridge Fereday)

biblecentre.org · ... was repentant, and must not be "swallowed up with over-much sorrow." (2. Cor. 2:6,8). "I beseech you," says the Apostle, "that ye would ...

~97 min.Comments On Judges (Leslie M. Grant)

biblecentre.org · ... comfort him, lest perhaps such a one be swallowed up with too much sorrow" (2. Cor. 2:6). Thus we see that in the Church of God too there is danger ...

~4 min.The Second Epistle to the Corinthians (Arend Remmers)

biblecentre.org · ... to Corinthians, chapter 3 "Peculiarities". 4. Overview of Contents. I. 2. Cor. 1-7: Paul explains his service for the Lord. Chapter 1 Affliction and ...

~5 min.Is Anxiety Or Depression A Sin? | Q&A (Roy Touzeau)

patternsoftruth.org · ... the case described in First and Second Corinthians. (1. Cor. 5; 2. Cor. 2:5-6; 2. Cor. 7:9-11) The Corinthians were slow to judge evil and ...

Keywords:q&a; anxiety; depression; worry

~12 min.Jesus In The Midst (William Wooldridge Fereday)

biblecentre.org · ... a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow' (1. Cor. 5; 2. Cor. 2:6-7). In receiving him back the assembly administratively remitted his ...