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Synopsis - Judges - - (Darby, John Nelson)

~2 Min.Chapters 17 to 21

... with Jehovah to learn how the sin should be dealt with. They acted from natural indignation (which was nevertheless quite righteous). Jehovah allowed all ...

Synopsis - Deuteronomy - - (Darby, John Nelson)

~5 Min.Chapters 16 and 17

... delivered them when they were in that condition, they were to be led to act in grace towards those who were bondmen to them. They are admonished, at the ...

Synopsis - 1.Kings - - (Darby, John Nelson)

~3 Min.Chapters 17 and 18

... in Sidon, a widow who hearkened to the voice of God's testimony, and by faith acted on that testimony in a case that required self-denial; and her life is ...

Synopsis - Mark - - (Darby, John Nelson)

~3 Min.Chapter 8

... the second miracle of the multiplication of the loaves. The Lord acts again in favour of Israel, no longer as administering Messianic power in the midst of ...

Synopsis - 1 Corinthians - - (Darby, John Nelson)

~2 Min.Chapter 8

... they had put a stumbling block in their brother's way, and, so far as the act of those who had full light was concerned, had ruined him by defiling his ...

Synopsis - Acts - - (Darby, John Nelson)

~5 Min.Chapter 8

... whatever may be the blessing and energy in the sphere where the grace of God acts, the ways of God in directing all things are in His own hand. Our part, ...

~7 Min.Chapters 19:8 to 41

... to be effected. We shall see a power displayed in this locality, which acts independently of all traditional forms, and which governs all that surrounds it, ...

Synopsis - Joshua - - (Darby, John Nelson)

~4 Min.Chapter 8

... may not know why. At a given time they are impelled onwards, and think they act from motives of their own, while it is the Lord who directs all their steps ...

Synopsis - Luke - 1039552 (Darby, John Nelson)

~5 Min.Chapter 8

... the affection and devotedness flowing from thence by grace - a grace which acted also in them, according to the love and devotedness that attach to Jesus. ...


~3 Min.Kurze Gedanken zum Brief an die Kolosser · ... Zorn über unseren vollkommenen und sündlosen Stellvertreter gekommen! Kapitel 3,8 - 17. Die Überreste des alten Menschen bestehen aus traurigen Lumpen, die ...

Position:Ermunterung & Ermahnung Jahrgang 1969 Seite 47

Bibelstellen:Kolosser 2,6 - 3,17 Kol. 2,6 - 3,17

~4 Min.Der verheißene König und sein Reich (Samuel Prod'hom) › Kommentare

~15 Min.Matthäus 8

... Sohn aus den Himmeln zu erwarten" (1. Thes. 1,9). Er trug unsere Krankheiten (8,16.17). "Als es aber Abend geworden war, brachten sie viele Besessene zu ...

Bibelstellen:Matthäus 8 Mt. 8