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~52 Min.James (Frank Binford Hole) · ... Jas. 4. Jas. 5. INTRODUCTION. WE INCLINE TO think that the Epistle of James is read less than any other of the Epistles. This is a ...

James (F. B. Hole)

James (F. W. Grant)

James (WH) › Magazines

Position:Help and Food for the Household of Faith Volume 47 (1929) Page 202

Bibelstellen:James Jas.

~1 Min.Come (James Boyd) · James Boyd. Come, Lord, in Thy might and Thy glory! We know Thou wilt make no delay, But earth with transgression is hoary, And the darkness is deep'ning ...

~2 Min.Let Him that Heareth Say, Come (James Boyd) · James Boyd. Hear, Lord, O hear the weary watchers' cry, Who thro' the long night scan the face of heaven. With expectation, till the azure sky. Be like a ...

~10 Min.The Claims of God (James Boyd) · James Boyd. I desire to say a few words on the subject of the claims of God, the claims that God has over every intelligent being on earth, claims that are ...

~25 Min.Life (James Boyd) · James Boyd. Life in itself is a very simple thing, though to give an accurate description of it in words would, I have no doubt, puzzle the wisest. It has ...

~1 Min.Adoption - According to God's Counsels (James Boyd) · Rom. 8. James Boyd. Adoption in its fullest sense we await (v. 29), and that will involve the redemption of the body. Then we shall be like the ...

~7 Min.Jesus Our Study (James Boyd) · Mt. 11:25-30. James Boyd. In seeking to have our souls well established in the knowledge of God, and of His truth as it is recorded for our ...