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~35 min.Eternal Punishment (John Nelson Darby)

biblecentre.org · ... is thereafter tormented for ever and ever. (See Rev. 20:10; 2. Pet. 2:1.) "Damnable heresies" (heresies of perdition); the heresies did ...

~5 min.The Theme of Peter's Second Epistle (Manuel Seibel)

biblecentre.org · ... one, mainly to answer this question. Unbelievers in the kingdom (2. Pet. 2). Some of these unbelievers are false teachers as 2. Pet. 2:1 ...

~152 min.Lectures on the Epistle Of Jude (William Kelly)

biblecentre.org · ... denied only one. There they denied the Sovereign Master that bought them (2. Pet. 2:1). Peter does not say that they were redeemed. It is a great ...

My Feasts - An Exposition on The Feasts of the Lord (Davison, George)


~63 min.The Feasts of the Lord

... to Moses." This is authoritative. In these days of many false teachers (2. Pet. 2:1), the saints of God should take great care that what they listen ...

~74 min.The First Epistle to the Corinthians (Arno Clemens Gaebelein)

biblecentre.org · ... fundamental doctrine are leading those who accept this damnable heresy (2. Pet. 2:1). But triumphant is the uncontrovertible fact, "Christ is risen ...

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth - - (Scofield, C. I.)


~4 min.Believers And Professors

... Neh. 13:1-3; Mt. 13:24-30.37-43; 2. Cor. 11:13-15; Gal. 2:4; 2. Pet. 2:1-2. It is impossible, in a brief ...

~4 min.Believers And Professors (C. I. Scofield)

biblecentre.org · ... Neh. 13:1-3; Mt. 13:24-30.37-43; 2. Cor. 11:13-15; Gal. 2:4; 2. Pet. 2:1-2. It is impossible, in a brief ...

~292 min.The Gospel of Matthew (part 1) (Arno Clemens Gaebelein)

biblecentre.org · ... the Lord who bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction" (2. Pet. 2:1). The so-called "Higher Critics," who sit in wicked judgment upon ...

~5 min.Covetousness (A. T. Schofield)

biblecentre.org · ... It is one of the sins of the last days (2. Tim. 3:2; 2. Pet. 2:1-3). Such is covetousness, and yet so deceitful is this sin that but few are ...

~5 min.Christian living - Part 3 (A.T.Schofield)

towardthemark.org · ... It is one of the sins of the last days (2. Tim. 3:2, 2. Pet. 2:1-3). Such is covetousness, and yet so deceitful is this sin that but few are ...

Position:Toward the Mark #19